century, 19th 574 View Records
century, 20th 55 View Records
Censorship / Hermes, Georg 1775-1831 / Inquisition 1 View Records
Call / Deutsche Zentrumspartei / History 1870-1933 / Political party statutes / Rhineland / Westphalia 1 View Records
Can.121 5 View Records
Canada 2 View Records
Canada / Autocentric developmen / History 1846-1930 1 View Records
Canonistic 1 View Records
Canon Law 13 View Records
Canon law / History 1800-1917 / Infallibility / Primacy of jurisdiction / Textbook 1 View Records
Canon law studies / Church office / History 1800-1900 / Pope 1 View Records
Capitalism 3 View Records
Capitalism / Communism / History of ideas 1800-1930 1 View Records
Caritas / Catholic social teaching / France / Germany / History 1880-1905 1 View Records
Caritas / Catholic social teaching / France / Germany / Love of neighbor / Urban pastoral care 1 View Records
Caritas / Germany / History / Religious instruction / Teaching material 1 View Records
Case study 1 View Records
Catechesis / Catholic church / Antisemitism / German language area / History 1800-1900 / Jews 1 View Records
Catholic church, Erzdiözese Ermland / Church history studies 1885-1914 / Church policy / Diözese Gnesen-Posen 1 View Records
Catholic church / Church / Germany / History 1800-2000 / State 1 View Records