Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Athens / Codex / Codex Hammurabi / Collection / Gortyn / Law / Rechtssammlung, Eshnunna / Ancient Orient 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Bible / Bible lessons / Bride price / Codex Hammurabi / Divorce law / Dowry / Hittites / Inheritance / Israel (Antiquity) / Judaism / Legislation / Near East / Rechtssammlung, Eshnunna / Assyria / Woman 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Sippar / Codex 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Slave woman / Codex 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Sumerian language / Hymn 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology / Stele 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Ur / Religion / Royal court / Shulgi Ur, King / Cult / Concubine / Woman 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Ur / Shulgi Ur, King / Royal court / Religion / Woman 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Ur / Stele / Findings 1 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Usurpation / Agricultural landscape / Codex 1 View Records
Ur-nammu Stela 1 View Records
Ur (Extinct city) Civilization 1 View Records
Ur (Extinct city) Religious life and customs 1 View Records