Ur / Findings / Stele / Ur-Nammu, Ur, König 1 View Records
Ur / Findings / Sumerians / Art 1 View Records
Ur / Findings / Clay tablet / History 3500 BC-2700 BC / City seal 1 View Records
Ur / Findings / Document / Cuneiform text / History 700 BC-300 BC / Clay tablet 1 View Records
Ur / Findings / Musical instrument / Lyre 1 View Records
Ur / Findings / Tarchan / Grave 2 View Records
Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology / Stele 1 View Records
Ur / Cult / Shulgi Ur, King / Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Religion / Concubine / Royal court / Woman 1 View Records
Ur / Royal court / Shulgi Ur, King / Ur-Nammu, Ur, König / Religion / Woman 1 View Records
Anatolia / Findings / Stele / Rider god / History 100-300 1 View Records
Bronze Age / Findings / Stele / Destruction / Inscription / Israel (Antiquity) / Merenptah Egypt, Pharaoh / Egypt (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Findings / History 1000 BC-900 BC / Stele / Jordan 1 View Records
Findings / Inscription / Stele / Xanthos 1 View Records
Findings / Iron age / Stele / Israel (Antiquity) / Seal / Ishtar 1 View Records
Uruk / Findings / Seal / Hellenism / Clay tablet 1 View Records
Uruk / Findings / Seal / History 336 BC-30 BC / Clay tablet 1 View Records
Urn / Findings / Inscription / Jordan / Greek language 1 View Records
Ur / Figurine / Statue / Uruk / Kudurru / Mesopotamia / Nimrud / Ninive / Painting / Relief map / Chorsabad / Susa (Iran) / Tell Asmar / Tello / Assur / Geschichte 4.-1. Jh. v. Chr. 1 View Records
Uruk / Findings / Sumerian language / History 1800 BC-1750 BC / Cuneiform text 1 View Records
Uruk / Findings 2 View Records