United Kingdom 51 View Records
UNITED Kingdom 3 View Records
United Kingdom (UK) 1 View Records
united Kingdom of Israel 1 View Records
United States 3 View Records
United Kingdom, Great Britain 1 View Records
United Kingdom Independence Party 1 View Records
United Kingdom of the Netherlands 1 View Records
United States of America 3 View Records
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1 View Records
University teaching / Great Britain / Pandemic / COVID-19 (Disease) 1 View Records
UK 3 View Records
Uprising / Exclusion / Government / Israel (Antiquity) / Nigeria / Politics / Rehabeam, Juda, König / Solomon Israel, King / Bible. Könige 1. 12,1-15 1 View Records
Usa 3 View Records
USA / Great Britain / Internationalization / Congregation 1 View Records
United Kingdom Domestic policy Domestic political situation and development Government Administration Formation of political positions Foreign policies of individual states Economic systems Economic policy Social structure Societal policy Education Culture Northern Ireland Domestic political conflicts 1 View Records
United Kingdom Political culture Religious community - state relations Muslims Religious population groups Minority groups Societal groups - state relations Social discrimination causality Geopolitical determinants Demographic factors Ethnic factors Social factors Economic factors Socio-political consciousness Collective identity Development perspectives and tendencies 1 View Records