Ultima cena, The last supper 17 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Bible. Lukasevangelium 22,19-20 / Marcion, Sinopensis ca. 2. Jh. / Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens 150-230 / Text genesis / Text history / Textual criticism / Bible. Lukasevangelium 22,17-20 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Bible. Markusevangelium 14,24 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Biblical studies / Exegesis / Gospels / Matthäus, Evangelist, Heiliger / Matthew / New Testament / Passion / Theology / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 26,1-27,66 5 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Biblical studies / Exegesis / Gospels / Matthäus, Evangelist, Heiliger / Matthew / Passion / Theology / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 26,1-27,66 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Blood / Blood of Christ / Divine covenant / Eucharist / Sacrifice (Religion) / Bible. Exodus 19-40 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Christology 3 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Christology / Jesus Christus / Sacrifice (Religion) / Alliance 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Chronology 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Church criticism / Jesus Christus / Reception / Teaching on the Eucharist / Catholic church 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Community / Jesus Christus / Meal / Reception / Teaching on the Eucharist / Catholic theology 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Comparative literature / Comparative research / Historical criticism / Historicity / Jesus Christus / Koran / Philology / Comparative history 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Date 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Dating 2 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Dating / Crucifixion 2 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Death 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Duwe, Harald 1926-1984, Lord's supper / Mevissen, Gerhard 1956-, Fährte Mensch II. 12.7 (Emmausweg) / Bouts, Dieric 1415-1475, Abendmahlsaltar 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Ecumene / Eucharist / Jesus Christus / Catholic church 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Geschichte 1523 / Reformation / Dürer, Albrecht 1471-1528 / Woodcut 1 View Records
Ultima cena, The last supper / Geschichte 2023 1 View Records