Typology / Cathedral Chartres (Chartres) / Christian art / Jesus Christus / Relief map / Adam, Biblical person / Viewing a picture 1 View Records
Typology / Catholic church / Consecration / Order / Symbol / Castoriadis, Cornelius 1922-1997 1 View Records
Typology / Ceramics 2 View Records
Typology / Ceramics / Dating / Gerasa / Late Antiquity / Carbon 1 View Records
Typology / Ceramics / Findings / Levant / Palast Qatna (Qatna) / Syria (West) / Bronze Age 1 View Records
Typology / Christian Archaeology / Catacomb / Vatican Palace 1 View Records
Typology / Christian art / Christology / History 170-200 / Mesopotamia (Nord) / Mosaic / Orpheus, Fictitious character ca. 6.-5. Jh. v. Chr. / Animal representation 1 View Records
Typology / Christianity / Euripides, Bacchae / Staging / Aeschylus 525 BC-456 BC, Persae 1 View Records
Typology / Christology / Joshua Biblical character / Joshua High priest / Bible. Hebräerbrief 3-4 1 View Records
Typology / Church / Art 1 View Records
Typology / Church / Jesus Christus / Soteriology / Adam, Biblical person 1 View Records
Typology / Comparison of religions / Cultural development / Hawaii / Sacred kingship / Scandinavia / Bellah, Robert N. 1927-2013 1 View Records
Typology / Contemplation / Paul Apostle / Peter Apostle / Aelred, von Rievaulx, Abt 1110-1167 1 View Records
Typology / Conversion 1 View Records
Typology / Creation / Edwards, Jonathan 1703-1758 / God's self-revelation / Natural theology / Nature / Ontology / Analogy 2 View Records
Typology / Cuthbert of Lindisfarne 635-687 / Saint's life / Samson of Dol -565 / Bridget Saint, 453-523 453-523 1 View Records
Typology / David, Israel, König / Jeroboam I Israel, King 926 BC-907 BC / Omri Israel, King / Bible. Könige 1.-2. 1 View Records
Typology / David, Israel, König / Joseph Patriarch / Messiah / Christology 1 View Records
Typology / Day of Atonement / Hellenism / Jesus Christ / Roman Empire / Scapegoat / Bible. Levitikus 16 1 View Records
Typology / Deuteronomium / Conception of History 1 View Records