Day of Atonement 49 View Records
Day of Atonement / Azazel / Apocalypse of Abraham / New Testament / Old Testament / Scapegoat 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Azazel / Gospels / Reception / Scapegoat 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Azazel / Ritual / Scapegoat 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Hebräerbrief 6,19-20 / Intertextuality / Metaphor / Old Testament 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Hebräerbrief 6,19-20 / Intertextuality / Metaphor / Old Testament / Young, Norman H. 1938- 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Hebräerbrief 9,28 / Bible. Hebräerbrief 7,25 / Eschatology / High priest / Intercession / Victim (Religion) 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Hebräerbrief 9,6-10 / Atoning death / Jesus Christus / Metaphor / Salvation-history / Victim (Religion) 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Atoning death / Jesus Christus / Scapegoat / Synoptic Gospels 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 25,31-46 / Cosmos (Concept of) / Cultic purity / Azazel / Enoch / Last Judgment / Scapegoat (Motif) 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Cultic purity / Atonement ritual 2 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Hellenism / Jesus Christ / Roman Empire / Scapegoat / Typology 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 23 / Bible. Numeri 28-29 / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Tempelrolle (Qumran Scrolls) 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 25,8-55 / Jubilee year 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 27 / Christology / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Reception 2 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch / Biblical studies / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Exegesis / Legislation / Leviticus / Old Testament / Reconciliation / Sacrifice / Theology 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Römerbrief 3,23-26 / Bible. Römerbrief 3,25 / Bible. Levitikus 16 / Gift / Hilastērion / Jesus Christus / Reconciliation / Votive offerings 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Bible. Sacharja 3,1 1 View Records
Day of Atonement / Body of Christ / Eucharist / Passover / Sacramental theology / Shavuot 2 View Records
Day of Atonement / Book of Jubilees / Rosh ha-Shanah / Sukkot 1 View Records