Tanzimat 9 View Records
Tanzimat / Armenische Apostolische Kirche / Armenisch-Gregorianisches Patriarchat von Konstantinopel / History 1800-1900 / Ottoman Empire / Reform / Armenians 1 View Records
Tanzimat / Eastern Church / Ottoman Empire / Reception / Christian 1 View Records
Tanzimat / Palestine / History 1840-1861 1 View Records
Tanzimat / Syria / History 1840-1861 1 View Records
Tanzimat / Textbook / Ottoman Empire / Islamic law / Kemalpaşazade Sait 1848-1921 1 View Records
Tanẓīmāt 1 View Records
Thesis 1 View Records
the West 1 View Records
Turkey 1 View Records
the Tanzimat 1 View Records
Travel Literature 1 View Records
the Islamic tradition 1 View Records
Turkey History Tanzimat, 1839-1876 6 View Records
 Ottoman diplomatics and political language
 penal code 1858
 notions of legal order
 1 View Records
Turkey History Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918 2 View Records
Turkey Politics and government 1829-1878 2 View Records