sweden 1 View Records
Sweden 137 View Records
Sweden Kings and rulers Biography 4 View Records
Swedes / Kierkegaard, Søren 1813-1855, Enten-eller / Reception 1 View Records
Swedes / Karlén, Karl 1819-1903 / Saints / History 1830-1950 / Josefina Sweden, Queen 1807-1876 / Catholic church / Hesselblad, Elisabeth, Female saint 1870-1957 / Birgitta, von Schweden, Heilige 1303-1373 1 View Records
Swedes / Kazakhstan / Saudi Arabia / Belarus / Belgium / Brazil / Chile / China / Church / Denmark / France / Germany / Great Britain / India / Indonesia / Iraq / Israel / Australia / Kenya / Laos / Malta / Nepal / Netherlands / New Zealand / Nicaragua / Nigeria / Pakistan / Philippines / Poles / Russia / Austria / Somalia / South Korea / Spain / Sri Lanka / State / Sudan / Sudan (Süd) / Argentina / Turkmenistan / Uganda / Ukraine / USA 1 View Records
Swedes / Kazakhstan / Saudi Arabia / Canada / China / Church / Cuba / Denmark / Eritrea / Europäische Union / France / Germany / Great Britain / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Italy / Australia / Myanmar / Northern Ireland / Norway / Pakistan / Philippines / Russia / Belgium / State / Sudan / Africa / Tajikistan / Tunisia / Turkey / USA / Yemen 1 View Records
Swedes / Kenya / State / Belgium / Bosnia / Cameroon / Canada / China / Church / Cuba / Denmark / Egypt / Ethiopia / Europäische Union / France / Georgia / India / Indonesia / Iran / Israel / Azerbaijan / Kyrgyzstan / Malaysia / Mexico / Montenegro / Nepal / Nigeria / Norway / Pakistan / Palestine / Poles / Russia / Bangladesh / Australia / Syria / Tajikistan / Turkey / Turkmenistan / Ukraine / USA / Uzbekistan / Vatikanstadt / Vereinte Nationen / Vietnam / Yemen 1 View Records
Swedes / Key, Ellen 1849-1926 / Apostasy / Writer 1 View Records
Swedes / Kleen, Tyra af 1874-1951 / Spiritism / Medium / Esotericism / Art 1 View Records
Swedes / Knowledge / Religion 1 View Records
Swedes / Knowledge acquisition / Sociocultural factor / Religious instruction / Communication 1 View Records
Swedes / Korea / Europe / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reformation / Effects / Tanzania / USA 1 View Records
Swedes / Kulturelle Rechte / Islam / Islamic law / Freedom of speech / Religious freedom / Discrimination 1 View Records
Swedes / Katharina, von Schweden 1331-1381 / Hagiography / History 1400-1500 / Exorcism / Nicolaus, Hermanni 1331-1391 / Birgitta, von Schweden, Heilige 1303-1373 1 View Records
Swedes / Karl, XI., Schweden, König 1655-1697 / Pietism / Absolutism 1 View Records
Swedes / Karl, XII., Schweden, König 1682-1718 / Conversion (Religion) / Eucharist / Geschichte 1705 / Communion / Lutheranism / Catholic church 1 View Records
Kings and rulers Biography 3 View Records
Swedes 379 View Records
SWEDES 1 View Records