Standard of living 37 View Records
Standard of Living 1 View Records
Standard of living / Christianity 1 View Records
Standard of living / Christian life 1 View Records
Standard of living / History 1050-1250 / Religious life / Rule of a religious order / Everyday culture 1 View Records
Standard of living / History 1800-1900 / Manner of living / Everyday life / Worker 1 View Records
Standard of living / Justice / Basic need 1 View Records
Standard of living / Lower classes 1 View Records
Standard of living / Misuse of power / Priestly training / Kolleg Sankt Benedikt (Salzburg) 1 View Records
Standard of living / Pilgrimage / Woman 1 View Records
Standard of living / Population development / Theory 1 View Records
Standard of living / Religious life 1 View Records
Standard of living / Socialization / Latin America / Miracle / Religiosity / Insecurity / Experience 1 View Records
Standard of living / World economy 1 View Records
State 2 View Records
Statistics / History 1949-1994 / Living Conditions / Quality of life / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Welfare 1 View Records
Stereotype 1 View Records
Structural change 3 View Records
Style of life 4 View Records
Style of life / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / History 1950-1967 / Everyday life 1 View Records