Soul / Religious philosophy / Islamic theology / Sabzawārī, Hādī Ibn-Mahdī 1797-1873 1 View Records
Soul / Intellectus agens / Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 1 View Records
Stamp seal / Digitalization / Israel (Antiquity) / Excavation / Glyptographie / Database / Jordan / Levant (Süd) / Cooperation 1 View Records
Soul / History / Intermediate state / Body / The Supernatural 1 View Records
Spirituality / Digitalization / Interconnection / Faith 1 View Records
Soul / Concept of / Interdisciplinarity / Church work 1 View Records
Soul / Interdisciplinarity / Poimenics / Protestant theology / Concept of 1 View Records
Soul / David, Israel, König / Bible. Samuel 1. 7-12 / Bible. Samuel 1. 25 / Enthronement / Bible. Samuel 1. 13-15 1 View Records
Soul / Intellectual history 1 View Records
Soul / Devotional literature / Apocrypha / Literary criticism / Literary genre / New Testament / Old Testament / Apocrypha 1 View Records
Soul / Emotion / Individual confession / Self-esteem / History 1700-1900 / Catholicism 1 View Records
Sakalya / Immortality / Upaniṣad / Yājñavalkya ca. 1. Jh. 1 View Records
Science / Digitalization / The Humanities 1 View Records
Suicide / Immortality 1 View Records
Social security net / Digitalization / Occupation / Structural change / Legal certainty / Professional life / Working conditions 1 View Records
Surveillance / Digitalization / Information society / Data security / Information technology / Mass data / Algorithms 2 View Records
Sacralization / Digitalization / Individualization / Commercialization / Christianity 2 View Records
Soul / Dante, Alighieri 1265-1321 / Berthold, von Moosburg 1318-1361 / Guilelmus, de Valle Rouillonis 1390-1464 / Reception / Albertus, Magnus, Heiliger 1193-1280, Opera omnia (1951-) 1 View Records
Soul / Interdisciplinary research / Concept of 2 View Records
Social welfare state / Digitalization / Dorau, Andreas 1964-, Democracy / Market economy / Participation / Crisis 1 View Records