Sirach / Created order / People of God / Wisdom / Cult 2 View Records
Sirach / Creation / Job / Wisdom / Song of Songs / Beauty / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Sirach / Context / Early Judaism / Wisdom / Canon 1 View Records
Story / Canaanite languages / Poetics / Wisdom / Cult / Hebrew language / Inscription / Epic / Rhetoric / Baal / Ugaritic language / Deir ʿAllā 1 View Records
Sirach / Colossians / Wisdom / Wisdom 1 View Records
Sirach / Concept of / Enoch / Wisdom 1 View Records
Social justice / Criticism / Cult / Wisdom / Bible. Jesus Sirach 34,21-35,13 1 View Records
Sirach / Cult 1 View Records
Sirach / Prayer / Silence / Wisdom / Sirach / Heart / Word 1 View Records
Sirach / Proverbs / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch / Wisdom / Torah 1 View Records
Sirach / Proverbs / Wisdom 3 View Records
Solomon Israel, King / Cult / Old Testament / Wisdom / Son of David / Hellenism 1 View Records
Substitute for / Cult / Bible. Jesus Sirach 24,25-34 / Wisdom / Torah / Temple (Jerusalem) 1 View Records
Sirach / Book of Jubilees / Philo, Alexandrinus 25 BC-40 / Wisdom / Ezra 4. / Grace / Hodayot (Qumran Scrolls) / Mercy / Early Judaism / Apocalypse of Baruch / Enoch 1 View Records
Sirach / 4Q185 / Bible. Altes Testament. Apocrypha / Wisdom / Bible. Sprichwörter 1-9 / 1QS III,13-IV,26 / Temple (Motif) / Bible. Deuteronomium 30,15-20 1 View Records
Sirach / Belief in the hereafter / Bible. Ezechiel 37 / Wisdom / Ecclesiastes / Enoch / Job / Bel and the dragon / Tobit / Bible. Makkabäer 1.-2. 1 View Records
Sirach / Bible. Tobit 4,3-19 / Wisdom 1 View Records
Sirach / Education / Wisdom 4 View Records
Sirach / Enoch / Socio-historical exegesis / Wisdom 1 View Records
Sirach / Exodus / Song of Songs / Wisdom 1 View Records