Sinhalese people 11 View Records
Sinhalese people / Buddhism / Cultural identity / Ritual / Bologna 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Burma / Handwriting / Pāli / Buddhism / Text history 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Christian / London / Religious identity / Buddhist 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Christianity / Puberty / Rite of passage / Buddhism 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Italy / Religious identity / Buddhism 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Moon / Culture 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Sīmā (Buddhism) / Monastery / Ordination / Law / History 1200-1250 / Theravada 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Social system / Buddhism / Magic / Witchcraft 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Sri Lanka / Comparison of cultures / Tamils 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Sri Lanka / Institution / Tamils / Teenagers 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Sri Lanka / Interfaith dialogue / Buddhism / Hinduism / Vishnu 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Sri Lanka / Politics / Buddhism / Nationalism / Tamils 1 View Records
Sinhalese people / Sun / Culture 1 View Records
Samgha / Sri Lanka / Boundary / Theravada 1 View Records
Social change 1 View Records
Spring 1200-1300 1 View Records
Sri Lanka 11 View Records
Sri Lanka / Hinduism / Buddhism 1 View Records
Sri Lanka / Hinduism / Interfaith dialogue / Buddhism 1 View Records