Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of 1671-1713 1 View Records
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of 1671-1713 Influence 1 View Records
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper of 1671-1713 1 View Records
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper of 1671-1713 / Germany / Reception / Enlightenment 1 View Records
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper <Earl of, 1671-1713> 1 View Records
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of 1671-1713 Appreciation Germany 1 View Records
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper Earl of 1671-1713 Inquiry concerning virtue 1 View Records
Shakespeare, William 1564-1616 / Influence / Marlowe, Christopher 1564-1593 / Intertextuality 1 View Records
Shaving / Influence / Ethnology / Creole dialects / Lyons / Migration / Religious identity / Réunion / Ritual / Catholic church 1 View Records
Shelomoh ben Yitsḥaḳ 1040-1105 / Influence / Shemuʾel ben Meʾir 1080-1158 / Commentary / Relationship / Anxiety / Contrast / Torah 1 View Records
Saga (motif) / Influence / Ilgen, Karl David 1763-1834 / Historicity / Philosophy / Genesis / Wette, Wilhelm Martin Leberecht de 1780-1849 1 View Records
Said, Edward W. 1935-2003 / Influence / Orientalism (Cultural sciences) / Orient (Motif) 2 View Records
Saint / Influence / Sardinia / Piety / Byzantine Empire / History 650-1000 1 View Records
Sanctuary / Influence / Cultic purity / Greeks / Classical antiquity / Judaism / Liturgy / Ritual objects / Romans / Bath / Temple 1 View Records
Saudi Arabia / Influence / Student exchange / Fundamentalism / Islam / Islamic religious instruction / Islamic upbringing / Foreign student / Ǧāmiʿa al-Islāmīya bi-'l-Madīna al-Munauwara al- / Transnational policy / Wahhab̄iȳah 1 View Records
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 1768-1834 / Influence / Greek language / Deissmann, Adolf 1866-1937 / Language / New Testament / Cremer, Hermann 1834-1903 1 View Records
Scholasticism / Influence / Jesuits / Philosophy / Great Britain 1 View Records
Schrettinger, Martin 1772-1851 / Influence / Kant, Immanuel 1724-1804 1 View Records
Schroeder, Hermann 1904-1984 / Influence / Church music / Catholic church / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Science / Influence / Enemy image / Fundamentalism / Higher studies / Culture / Islam / Islam / Islam and politics / Islamic countries / Orientalism (Cultural sciences) / Orientalizing literature / Perception / Religious organization / Bedrohungsvorstellung / Western world 1 View Records