Roman law 546 View Records
Roman Law 77 View Records
Roman law / Abortion 1 View Records
Roman law / Adoption 1 View Records
Roman law / Adultery 1 View Records
Roman law / Adultery prohibition / Pauline letters / Philo, Alexandrinus 25 BC-40 / Adultery 1 View Records
Roman law / Africa 1 View Records
Roman law / Anfechtungsklage / Austria / Law / Actio Pauliana 1 View Records
Roman law / Association / History 133 BC-284 / Anatolia 1 View Records
Roman law / Atypischer Vertrag / Contract / Law / Law of obligations / Obligationenrecht / Agreement / Simile (Law) 3 View Records
Roman law / Atypischer Vertrag / Contract / Law of obligations / Obligationenrecht / Agreement / Simile (Law) 3 View Records
Roman law / Audientia espiscopalis / Bishop / Egypt / History 300-800 / Application of law 1 View Records
Roman law / Auspizien 1 View Records
Roman law / Authorization / Law / Legal transaction / Agreement 1 View Records
Roman law / Biopolitics / Agamben, Giorgio 1942- 1 View Records
Roman law / Blasphemy 1 View Records
Roman law / Botticelli, Sandro 1445-1510, Thomas von Aquin 2 View Records
Roman law / Byzantine Empire / Theory of the state 1 View Records
Roman law / Canon law 6 View Records
Roman law / Canon law / Handwriting / Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 1 View Records