Punishment / Bible. Lukasevangelium 12,47-48 / Recompense 1 View Records
Punishment / Bible. Markusevangelium 2,18-20 / Parable / Hose / Justice / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 9,14-15 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 5,33-35 / Wine 1 View Records
Punishment / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 27,3-10 / Papias, Hierapolitanus ca. 1./2. Jh. / Man of Lies / Habakukkommentar (Qumran Scrolls) / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 1,15-26 1 View Records
Punishment / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch / Leviticus / Bible. Deuteronomium 12-26 / Torah 1 View Records
Punishment / Bible. Samuel 1-2 / Offense / Bible. Könige 1.-2. 1 View Records
Punishment / Bosnian War / War criminal 1 View Records
Punishment / Damaskusschrift (Qumran Scrolls) / Book of Jubilees / Testimony 1 View Records
Punishment / Death penalty 1 View Records
Punishment / Debt 2 View Records
Punishment / Debt / AIDS patient / Theodicy 1 View Records
Punishment / Debt / Individual / Bible. Deuteronomium 24,16 1 View Records
Punishment / Debt / Individual / Bible. Ezechiel 18,20 1 View Records
Punishment / Debt / Reconciliation 1 View Records
Punishment / Debt / Responsibility 3 View Records
Punishment / Debt / Sentencing 1 View Records
Punishment / Derrida, Jacques 1930-2004 / Foucault, Michel 1926-1984 / Biopolitics 1 View Records
Punishment / Desecration of graves / Legislation / Byzantine Empire 1 View Records
Punishment / Deuteronomistic history / Babylonian Captivity 1 View Records
Punishment / Early Judaism / Eschatology / New Testament / Death 1 View Records
Punishment / Ecclesiastes / Patristics / Death / Rabbinic literature / Reception / Reward 1 View Records