Prophecy / Isaiah / Social criticism / Social criticism 1 View Records
Prison / Interfaith dialogue / Italy / Germany / Religious practice / USA 1 View Records
Proverbs / Intertextuality / Isaiah / Psalms 1 View Records
Prophecy / Isaiah / Jeremiah / Socio-historical exegesis / Divination / Zephaniah 1 View Records
Promise / Isaiah / Cabala / Jews / Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian 1636-1689 / Knorr von Rosenroth, Christian 1636-1689, Messias Puer / Latin / Abravanel, Yitsḥaḳ 1437-1508, Perush ʿal neviʾim aḥaronim / Translation 1 View Records
Promise / Isaiah / Deuteronomium / Jeremiah / Bible. Levitikus 26 / Threat 1 View Records
Promise / Isaiah / Hope / Land / Particularism / Old Testament / Nehemiah / Ezra / Uniqueness / Universalism 1 View Records
Prophet / Isaiah / Education / Hebrew language / Amos, Prophet / Jesaja, Prophet / Amos 1 View Records
Prophet / Isaiah / Exegesis 1 View Records
Prison / Inquisition / History 1600-1700 / Palazzo Chiaramonte (Palermo) / Graffito 1 View Records
Prison / Inquisition / Layout plan / Malta / Palace / Construction planning 1 View Records
Prison / Inquisition / Portugal / History 1536-1821 1 View Records
Prison / Italy / Monastery / History 500-600 1 View Records
Prison / Italy / Overcrowding of 1 View Records
Prison / Italy / Resocialization / University education 1 View Records
Prison / Imprisonment / Prisoner / Social justice / USA 1 View Records
Prison / Imprisonment / Old person (60-90 years) / Singen (Hohentwiel) / Older man 1 View Records
Prophecy / Isaiah / Ancient Orient 1 View Records
Prophecy / Isaiah / Apocalypticism 1 View Records
Prophecy / Isaiah / Bel and the dragon / Bible. Könige 2. 20 / Babylonian Captivity / Aramaic language 1 View Records