Pope / Culture 1 View Records
Pope / Culture / History 1500-1700 2 View Records
Pope / Culture / History 1890-2002 / Faith 1 View Records
Poppy / Culture / Religion / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Pope / Culture of law / Catholic church, Curia Romana / Grace / History / Administration 1 View Records
Pope / Cultural asset / History 1950-2000 1 View Records
Pope / Cultural policy / Benedikt, XIV., Pope 1675-1758 / Education policy / History 1740-1760 / Istituto delle Scienze / Legislation / Accademia Clementina 1 View Records
Pope / Cultural contact / Byzantine Empire / History 600-1100 / Islam / Italy (Süd) / Borderland 2 View Records
Pope / Cultic vessel / Possessions / Cultic object / Late Antiquity 1 View Records
Populism / Culture / Post-secularism / Religion 1 View Records
Pope / Cuba / Pastoral journey / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Geschichte 1998 4 View Records
Pope / Cuba / Pastoral journey / Liberation theology / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Geschichte 1998 2 View Records
Pop music / Culture / Media 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Art / Language / Architecture / Religion 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Breslau / History / Catholic church, Diözese Breslau 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Catholic church / Wyszyński, Stefan 1901-1981 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Catholicism / Society 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Christianity 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Communism / History 1945-1949 / Intellectual / Catholic 1 View Records
Poles / Culture / Conception of History / Collective memory / Identity / Jews / Antisemitism / Race relations 1 View Records