Politician / Press / Jurisdiction / Damages / Feldek, Ľubomír 1936- / Slander / Slobodník, Dušan 1927-2001 / Slovakia 1 View Records
Politician / Priest / Catholic church / Sibling relations / USA 1 View Records
Politician / Priest / History 1825-1911 / Bohemian countries / Ethnographer / Wurm, Ignát 1825-1911 1 View Records
Politician / Privacy / Media / Reporting 1 View Records
Politician / Professionalization 1 View Records
Politician / Prophet / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, De bello Judaico / Speech 1 View Records
Politician / Prophets / Comparison of cultures / Greece (Antiquity) / Rhetoric 1 View Records
Politician / Protestant Church / Conflict / Gysi, Gregor 1948- / Atheism / Church publicity work / Sermon 2 View Records
Politician / Prussian reforms / Municipal self-government / Vincke, Ludwig von 1774-1844 1 View Records
Politician / Public announcement / Geschichte 2002 / Catholic / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Glaubenslehre 6 View Records
Politician / Religiosity 1 View Records
Politician / Salary of an official 1 View Records
Politician / Sense of responsibility 1 View Records
politici 1 View Records
Politicians Italy 1 View Records
Politics 30 View Records
Politics / Bavaria / Ruland, Anton 1809-1874 1 View Records
Politics / Church / Czechoslovakia / Bohemian countries / Zahradník, Bohdan 1864-1926 / Zahradník-Brodský, Bohumil 1862-1939 1 View Records
Politics / Civil religion / Germany / Church 1 View Records
Politics / Contemplation (Spirituality) / Faith / Bible 1 View Records