Passau / Historiography / Albertus, Bohemus 1190-1260 1 View Records
Passau / Historiography / Enns-Lorch 1 View Records
Passau / Historiography / History 1200-1300 / Albertus, Bohemus 1190-1260 1 View Records
Passio Olavi / Historiography / History 1100-1200 / Olaf, II., Norwegen, König 995-1030 / Baptism 1 View Records
Past / Historiography / Continuity / Egypt (Antiquity) / Event / Chronicle / Hittites / Inscription / Israel (Antiquity) / Mesopotamia / Nation (university) / Nation (university) (Motif) / Near East / Annals 1 View Records
Past / Historiography / Interpretation / Conception of History 2 View Records
Patriarch / Historiography / Israel (Antiquity) / Israel (Antiquity) / History / Tribes of Israel 1 View Records
Patriarchate / Historiography / Feminism / Woman 1 View Records
Patriotism / Historiography / Greece (Antiquity) / History 1950-2000 / Greece / School book 1 View Records
Patristics / Historiography / Church history writing / Apologetics / Theory of history 1 View Records
Patronage / Historiography / Bureaucracy / Autobiography / History 1500-1650 / Authorship / Spain 1 View Records
Patronage / Historiography / Colony / Bureaucracy / History / Authorship / Spain / The Americas 1 View Records
Patron saint of a church / Historiography / Peter Apostle / History 1024-1125 / Liturgy / Hagiography / Herzogtum Sachsen 2 View Records
Paul Apostle / Historiography / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, De bello Judaico / John the Baptist 1 View Records
Paul Apostle / Historiography / Josephus, Flavius 37-100 / Apologetics 1 View Records
Paul Apostle / Historiography / Primitive Christianity / Conservatism / Christianity / History / Liberalism / Arianism / Christology 1 View Records
Paul Apostle / Historiography / Primitive Christianity / Josephus, Flavius 37-100 1 View Records
Peace efforts / Historiography / History / Conflict resolution / Religious conflict 1 View Records
People / Historiography / Deuteronomistic history / Bible. Könige 1.-2. / King / Assessment 2 View Records
Perception / Historiography / German language area / French language area / History 1919-1949 / Interpretation of / National Socialism / Europe 1 View Records