Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Celibacy 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Clergy / Metaphor / Spiritual life / War 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Controversy / John / Origenes 185-254 / Exegesis 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 2 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Anselm of Havelberg 1099-1158 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Anselm of Havelberg 1099-1158 / Prämonstratenser / Holy Spirit / Mariology / Adamus, Scotus ca. 1127/40-1212 / History 1100-1200 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Prämonstratenser / Saint's life 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Biographer 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Hermeneutics / History 1150-1180 / Letter / Bible / Student 1 View Records
Philip Tetrarch, de Harvengt 1100-1182 / Knights / Society organized in estates 1 View Records
Pair relationship / Celibacy / Priest / Catholic church 1 View Records
Parish work / Celibacy / Ecclesiology / Catholic church 1 View Records
Parish work / Celibacy / Priest / Environmental protection / Amazonastiefland / Catholic church, Bischofssynode (2019 : Rom) 1 View Records
Pastoral letter / Celibacy / Catholic church, Diözese Limburg 1 View Records
Pastoral psychology / Celibacy 5 View Records
Pastoral psychology / Celibacy / Sexual behavior 1 View Records
Patriarchate / Celibacy / Hierarchy 1 View Records
Patriarchate / Celibacy / Hierarchy / Catholic church 1 View Records
Paul Apostle / Celibacy / Marriage / Ordination / Apocryphal apostle acts / Tertullinus, von Rom, Heiliger -257 / Thecla Martyr ca. 1. Jh. / Virginity / Woman 1 View Records
Paul Apostle / Celibacy / Porneia / Maria, von Nazaret, Biblische Person / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 25,1-12 / Jesus Christus / Thecla Martyr ca. 1. Jh. / Virginity 1 View Records