Ownership 26 View Records
Ownership type 2 View Records
ownership rights 1 View Records
Ownership disparity 1 View Records
Ownership structure 13 View Records
Ownership unbundling 1 View Records
Ownership unbundling / Economic cooperation / Boycott / War 1 View Records
Ownership inscription / Old book / Handwriting / Gebrauchsspur 1 View Records
ownership of knowledge 1 View Records
ownership of information 1 View Records
Ownership of hotel properties 1 View Records
Ownership and board characteristics 1 View Records
Ownership property owner categories 1 View Records
Old book / Biblioteca Centrală Universitară Lucian Blaga / Library collection / Minoriten / Aiud 1 View Records
Orient 1 View Records
Organization 1 View Records
Objets sacrés 1 View Records
Organ Donation 1 View Records
Orthodox Church 1 View Records
Organ Transplant 1 View Records