Old Testament / Rhetoric 5 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Aramaic language / Synagogue / Targum 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Argumantation / Reception / Bible. Corinthians 1. 1-4 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Bible. Altes Testament. Apocrypha / Theology / Theon, Aelius ca. 1./2.Jh. 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Bible. Corinthians 1. 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Bible. Genesis 44,18-34 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Dispositio / Argumantation / Repetition / Conviction / Speech / Structure of 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Early Judaism / Hermeneutics / Literature / Collective memory / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Tradition 3 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / End of the world / Figurative language / Healing / Asclepius / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 2,3 / Serpents 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Ethics 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Feminist theology / Mirjam, Prophetess 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Freedom 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Hermeneutics / Africa (Continent) / Postcolonialism / African Theology / Wisdom literature 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Intertextuality / Jesus Christus / Justice of God / Legislation (Theology) / Midrash / Argumantation / Paul Apostle / Redemption / Bible. Römerbrief 10,1-13 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Jeremiah / Textual criticism 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Literary genre / Judith / Literary criticism 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Lord's Resistance Army / History / Ideology / Uganda (Nord) 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Metaphor / Cognitive linguistics / Poetry / Research / Hebrew language / Theory 1 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Mirjam, Prophetess 2 View Records
Old Testament / Rhetoric / Narrative technique 1 View Records