Non-profit character 26 View Records
Non-profit character / Acknowledgment / Religious organization / Self-understanding / The Druid Network 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Business reengineering / Germany / Legal form / Legal status / Accounting / Order / Tax break / Value-added tax law 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Canon law / Association / State law of churches 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Competition / Charitable association 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Competition / Customer order / Europäische Union / Legislation / Church / Order placement 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Diaconia / Business ethics / Personnel policy / Temporary work 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Economic behavior / Deutscher Caritasverband / Social service institution 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Europäische Union / Competition / Tax law 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Europäische Union / Family vacation / Law / Competition law / Vacation house 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Europäische Union / Tax law 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Foundation 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Germany 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Germany / Catholic church / Protestant Church / Subventionsrecht / Tax break 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Germany / Church tax 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Germany / Private company / Tax law 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Great Britain / Jurisdiction / Charitable works 1 View Records
Non-profit character / International comparison / Association 1 View Records
Non-profit character / Law / Competition law / Religious organization 1 View Records
Non-profit character / LIGA Spar- und Kreditgenossenschaft eGmbH Regensburg / Foundation 1 View Records