Noetus of Smyrna ca. 2. Jh. / Conflict / Antitrinitarianism 1 View Records
Noetus of Smyrna ca. 2. Jh. / Gnosis / Hippolytus, Romanus -235, Refutatio omnium haeresium / Confession of faith / Polemics / Reception 1 View Records
Noetus of Smyrna ca. 2. Jh. / Hippolytus, Romanus -235, Contra haeresin Noeti 3 View Records
Noetus of Smyrna ca. 2. Jh. / Hippolytus, Romanus -235, Refutatio omnium haeresium / Heraclitus, Ephesius 550 BC-480 BC 1 View Records
Noetus of Smyrna ca. 2. Jh. / Melito, Sardianus -190 / Hippolytus, Romanus -235 1 View Records