Montenegrins 1 View Records
Montenegrin / Diözese Kotor / Jurisdiction / Byzantine liturgy / Takeover of 1 View Records
Montenegrin / Montenegro / Albanians / Church building / Nationality question / Religious policy / Rumija (Mountain) / Serbisch-orthodoxe Kirche / Serbs 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Montenegro / Autocephaly / Church history studies 1766-1925 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Montenegro / Ecclesiology / Autocephaly / Church history studies 1993-2013 / Quarreling / Serbisch-orthodoxe Kirche 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Montenegro / Ethnic identity / Political identity / Religious identity 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Montenegro / Hegemony / Kosovo, Battle of, Kosovo, 1389 (1389) / Amfilohije, Montenegro und Küstenland, Metropolit 1938-2020 / Controversy / Myth / Serbs 1 View Records
Montenegro / History 1990-2007 / Church policy / Political identity / Question of language 1 View Records
Montenegrin phrasebook / Peter, I., Montenegro, Fürstbischof 1747-1830 1 View Records
Montenegro Languages 1 View Records
Montenegro Church history 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / History 1766-1925 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / History 1830-1851 / Peter, II., Montenegro, Fürstbischof 1813-1851 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / History 1830-1851 / Peter, Montenegro, Prinz 1889-1932 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / History 1852-1918 1 View Records
Montenegrinisch-Orthodoxe Kirche / Legal status / Autocephaly 1 View Records
Myth 1 View Records