Missionary journey 11 View Records
Missionary journey / Acts of the Apostles / Paul Apostle 4 View Records
Missionary journey / Alexandria / Paul Apostle / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Antioch (Pisidien) / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Apostle / The Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 13-28 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 13-28 / Paul Apostle 2 View Records
Missionary journey / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,6-8 / Biblical geography / Anatolia / Paul Apostle 2 View Records
Missionary journey / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 16,8 / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Bible. Philipperbrief 4,2-3 / Co-worker / "We" passages 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Bible. Römerbrief 12,2 / Bible. Corinthians 2. 3,17-18 / Religious experience 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical chronology / Biblical geography / Illyria / Jerusalem / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 13-28 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical chronology / Cyprus / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 13,6-12 / Paul Apostle / Paulus, Quintus S. ca. 1. Jh. 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical geography / Illyria / Jerusalem / Biblical chronology / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical geography / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical site / Anatolia / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical site / Excavations / Anatolia / Paul Apostle 2 View Records
Missionary journey / Biblical site / Paul Apostle 2 View Records
Missionary journey / Buhaya / Geschichte 1930 / Bethel-Mission 1 View Records
Missionary journey / China / Chinese people / Ethnic identity / Evangelical movement / Canada / National consciousness / Religious identity / Voluntary service 1 View Records