Luke / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 6,22-23 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 7,1-5 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 11,5-8 / Parable of the banquet / Rabbinic literature 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 7,28 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Micha 5,2 / Jesus Christ, Birth / Jesus Christus / Bethlehem / Matthew 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Offenbarung des Johannes 1-3 / Bible. Thessalonicherbrief 1. / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 24-25 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Pentateuch, Bible. Pentateuch 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Psalmen 110 / Mass / Musical setting of the Magnificat / Musical setting of the Stabat Mater / Musical setting of the Te Deum / Requiem / Requiem scoring / Stabat mater / Te Deum 4 View Records
Luke / Bible. Psalmen 95 / Manner of living / Relationship to God 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Römerbrief 5,6-11 / Sermon 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Sacharja 9-14 / Mark 3 View Records
Luke / Bible. Samuel 1. 1,11 / Alcohol consumption / Old Testament / Philo, Alexandrinus 25 BC-40 / Reception 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Samuel 1. 1-3 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Samuel 1. 1-3 / Haggadah / Bible. Markusevangelium 15,33 / New Testament 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Samuel 1. 2-10 1 View Records
Luke / Bible. Sprichwörter 10,2 / Bible. Tobit 4,7-10 / Death / Intertextuality / Bible. Jesus Sirach 29,12 / Trouble 1 View Records
Luke / Bible (Hoffnung für alle) 1 View Records
Luke / Bible (Vetus Latina) 1 View Records
Luke / Bible drama 2 View Records
Luke / Bible drama / Religious instruction 1 View Records
Luke / Bible history 1 View Records