Bethlehem 88 View Records
Bethlehem / Aqueduct / Jerusalem / Pool / Solomon Israel, King 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Archaeology 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Arts and crafts / Franciscans, Custodia Terræ Sanctæ / History 1588-1598 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Assault / Geschichte 416 / Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420 / Monastery / Paula Saint 347-404 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Barāmkī, Dīmitrī 1909- / Aqueduct / Excavation / Geschichte 1940 / Hamilton, Robert W. 1931-2018 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Benediktinerinnen / History 1965-2010 / Melchiten 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Bethlehem (Motif) / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 2,11 / Bible. Lukasevangelium 19,40 / Bible reading / Ecumene / Palestine 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Bible. Jesaja 1 / Ass / Bible. Jesaja 60 / Bible. Micha 5,1-5 / Bible. Numeri 24 / Jesus Christ, Birth / Old Testament / Oxen / Shepherd 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Bible. Micha 5,1-5 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Bible. Micha 5,2 / Jesus Christ, Birth / Jesus Christus / Luke / Matthew 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Biblical theology / Exegesis / Jesus Christus / Nazareth / Place of birth 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Bread / Jesus Christ, Birth / Jesus Christus / Luke / Sermon / Shepherd 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Childhood 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Christmas / Experience account / Jerusalem / Worship service 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Church building 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Conflict / Effects / Experience account / Israel / Palestinian Arabs / School 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Ecumene / History 1850-2000 / International understanding / Peace work 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Excavation / History 1998-1999 1 View Records
Bethlehem / Franciscan monastery / Sacral building 1 View Records