Legal conflict 35 View Records
Legal conflict / Ananda World Brotherhood Village / Self-Realization Fellowship 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Babur-Moschee Ayodhya / Vishva Hindu Parishad 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Bell ringing / Noise pollution 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Bible. Johannesevangelium 9,1-10,21 / Judaism / Bible. Johannesevangelium 5 / Primitive Christianity / Sabbath commandment 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Bodh Gaya / Temple 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Brieulles-sur-Meuse / Decretals / History 1186-1187 / Benefice / Priest / Salary of an official / Urban, III., Pope 1120-1187 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Buddhism / Britisch-Indien / Temple 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Canon law / Arbitriation board / Settlement of dispute 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Catholic church, Diözese Passau / Church judicial system / History 1984-1987 / Administrative court case / Patronage 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Catholic church, Rota Romana / History 1400-1700 / Canon law / Poles / Process 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Catholic church, Signatura Apostolica / Catholic church, Diözese Passau / Patronage / Pfarrei St. Georg Arnstorf 2 View Records
Legal conflict / Catholic church / Germany / Arbitriation board / Member 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Child / Germany / Administrative agency / Representation of interests / Teenagers 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Citizen / History 1190-1200 / Cathedral chapter / Rouen 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Civil law / Mediation 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Classical antiquity / Conflict resolution / Antiquity / Settlement of dispute 3 View Records
Legal conflict / Clergy / Italy / Catholic church / Sexual abuse / USA 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Competency / Catholic church, Sancta Sedes / Process / Public contract / Vatikanstadt 1 View Records
Legal conflict / Conflict resolution / Classical antiquity 2 View Records