Latin language--Study and teaching / Translation / German language / Geschichte 1480 / Handwriting / Bayerische Staatsbibliothek / Pfollinger, Michael ca. 15. Jh. / Eucharistic Prayer 1 View Records
Latin America / Translation / Amerindian languages / Missions theology / SIL International / Soteriology / Text / Theological ethics / Evangelical theology 1 View Records
Latin America / Translation / Bible 1 View Records
Latin America / Translation / Language policy / Conversion (Religion) / Text / Indigenous peoples 2 View Records
Latin America / Translation / Language policy / SIL International / Social culture / Soteriology / Theological ethics / Transformation / Missions theology 1 View Records
Latin America / Translation / Lollard Bible 1 View Records
Latin language 6 View Records
LATIN language 1 View Records
Latin language Translations 2 View Records
Latin language translation 1 View Records
Latin church fathers / Translation / Latin / Marcion, Sinopensis ca. 2. Jh. / Reception / Bible 2 View Records
Latin / Translation / Acts of the Apostles / Humanism 1 View Records
Latin / Translation / Angelus Clarenus 1245-1337 / John, Climacus 575-650, Scala paradisi 2 View Records
Latin / Translation / Apocrypha / New Testament / Greek language 2 View Records
Latin / Translation / Apocrypha / Pseudepigrapha / Greek language 1 View Records
Latin / Translation / Apostolic fathers 2 View Records
Latin / Translation / Apostolic fathers / Greek language 2 View Records
Latin / Translation / Arabic language / History 500-1500 1 View Records
Latin / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC 3 View Records
Latin / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC, Analytica posteriora 2 / Commentary 1 View Records