Latin / Commentary / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC, De generatione et corruptione 1 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC, De interpretatione 1 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC, Ethica Nicomachea / Geschichte 1543 1 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC / Arabic language / Averroes 1126-1198 1 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Aristoteles 384 BC-322 BC / Humanism 2 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Basilius, Caesariensis 330-379 / Isaiah 1 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Kemper, Johan 1670-1716 / Hebrew language / Matthew / Norrelius, Anders 1678-1749 / History 1747-1749 1 View Records
Latin / Commentary / Translation / Porphyrius 233-301, Isagoge sive quinque voces 1 View Records
Latin / Conception / Translation / Last Judgment / Koran / Arabic language / Legislation / Religion / History 1 View Records
Latin / Concept of / Thanksgiving sacrifice / Greek language / Hebrew language / Translation 1 View Records
Latin / Concept of / Translation / Light / Dionysius Areopagita ca. 5./6. Jh. / John, Scotus Eriugena 810-877 1 View Records
Latin / Condemnation / Talmûd bavlî / Jesus Christus / Censorship / Control examination / Translation 1 View Records
Latin / Controversy / Translation / English language / Greek language 1 View Records
Latin / Controversy / Translation / History 370-400 / Effects / Origenism / Rufinus, Aquileiensis 345-410 / Greek church fathers 1 View Records
Latin / Controversy / Translation / López de Zúñiga, Diego 1470-1531 / Carranza de Miranda, Sancho -1531 / Humanism / New Testament / Erasmus of Rotterdam 1466-1536 1 View Records
Latin / Controversy / Translation / Origenism / Origenes 185-254, De principiis 1 View Records
Latin / Copy / Translation / Greek church fathers / Byzantine Empire / Maximus, Planudes 1260-1310 / Geschichte 1300 1 View Records
Latin / Critical edition / Translation / Albericus, Aquensis 1060-1120, Historia Hierosolymitanae expeditionis / English language 2 View Records
Latin / Cultural identity / The Modern / Language / Reception 1 View Records
Latin / Constantinus, Africanus 1020-1087 / Technical literature / Italy / Arabic language / Medicine / History 1050-1085 / Translation 1 View Records