Kyrios 64 View Records
Kyrios / 4QInstruction / Bible. Corinthians 1. 8,5 / 4Q416 / Werner, Martin 1887-1964, Die Entstehung des christlichen Dogmas 1 View Records
Kyrios / Acts of the Apostles / Name of God 1 View Records
Kyrios / Ancient Orient / Titulature / Tradition-historical research 1 View Records
Kyrios / Aramaic language / Nabataeans / New Testament / Royal name 1 View Records
kyrios / Bible / Ehrerbietung / English language / Jahwe / Authority / Language development / Lord / Old Testament / Sociolinguistics / Translation 1 View Records
Kyrios / Bible. Lukasevangelium 16,8a 1 View Records
Kyrios / Bible. Thessalonicherbrief 1. 4,16-17 / Parousia / Rapture 1 View Records
Kyrios / Bible. Thessalonicherbrief 2. 1,7b-10 / Angel / Parousia 1 View Records
Kyrios / Canticum (Liturgy) / Christology / Cross of Christ / Humiliation / Incarnation of Jesus Christ / Bible. Philipperbrief 2,6-11 / New Testament / Pre-existence / Servant of God / Son of God 1 View Records
Kyrios / Cerfaux, Lucien 1883-1968 / Christ (Concept of) / Corinth / Gentile Christianity / Holy Spirit / Hypostasis (Philosophy) / Bible. Corinthians 2. 3,17a / Paul Apostle / Pneuma / Veil 1 View Records
Kyrios / Christological title / Roman Empire / Ruler worship 1 View Records
Kyrios / Christology / Catholic theology 1 View Records
kyrios / Christology / Church fathers / Didache / God / Jesus Christus / Bi-valence 1 View Records
Kyrios / Enoch / Parable / Pauline letters / Son of Man 1 View Records
Kyrios / Exodus / Definite article / Old Testament 1 View Records
Kyrios / Gospels / Acts of the Apostles 1 View Records
Kyrios / Gospels / Greek language / Aramaic language / Rabbi 1 View Records
Kyrios / Greek language / New Testament / Syriac language / Translation 1 View Records
Kyrios / Idea of God / Christology / Pauline letters / theos 2 View Records