Kriegsgefangenenlager Meschede / Forced laborer / History 1916-1918 / Belgians 1 View Records
Kriegsgefangenenlager Meschede / Forced laborer / History 1917-1918 / Belgians / Wagener, Ferdinand 1871-1931 / War prisoner 1 View Records
Kriegsgefangene 5 View Records
Katholische Spitalstiftung (Horb am Neckar) / Forced labor / History 1939-1945 1 View Records
Kriegsgefangene Forced labor Katholiken Untergrundtätigkeit Politischer Widerstand 1 View Records
Konzentrationslager Hamburg-Neuengamme / Forced labor / History / Prisoner 1 View Records
Konzentrationslager Groß-Rosen / Forced labor / Jews 1 View Records
Katholiken 10 View Records
Arrest / Forced labor / Expulsion / Pastor / Protestant Church / Transylvania 1 View Records
Church institution / Forced labor / Coming to terms with the past / Geschichte 2005 / Protestant Church / Hesse 1 View Records
Church institution / Forced labor / Germany / History 1939-1945 / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Church institution / Forced labor / Hesse / History 1939-1945 / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Church institution / Forced labor / History 1939-1945 / Protestant Church 1 View Records
Adlerwerke Vorm. Heinrich Kleyer / Forced labor / Collaboration / Defense industry / Catholic church / France, Service du Travail Obligatoire / History 1942-1945 / National Socialism / Resistance / Young Workers 1 View Records
Catholic church, Diözese Rottenburg / Forced labor 1 View Records
Catholic church, Erzdiözese Köln / Forced labor / Church institution / History 1939-1945 1 View Records
Catholic church, Erzdiözese München und Freising / Forced labor / Church institution / History 1939-1945 1 View Records
Catholic church, Sancta Sedes / Forced labor / Slavery / Struggle against / Traffic in persons 1 View Records
Catholic church / Forced labor 2 View Records
Catholic church / Forced labor / Church institution / Germany / History 1939-1945 1 View Records