Jonas, Justus, 1493-1555 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 2 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 17 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Aurogallus, Matthaeus 1490-1543 / Bugenhagen, Johannes 1485-1558 / Cruciger, Caspar 1504-1548 / Aquila, Kaspar 1488-1560 / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 / Rörer, Georg 1492-1557 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Brenz, Johannes 1499-1570 / Bugenhagen, Johannes 1485-1558 / Cranach, Lucas, der Ältere 1472-1553 / Agricola, Johannes 1494-1566 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Staupitz, Johann von 1465-1524 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Child / Cruciger, Caspar 1504-1548 / Bugenhagen, Johannes 1485-1558 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Eisfeld / History 1550-1555 / Coburg / Regensburg 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Erfurt / History 1521-1530 / Humanism / Erasmus of Rotterdam 1466-1536 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Friedrich, III., Sachsen, Kurfürst 1463-1525 / Death / Letter of consolation / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Geschichte 1546 / Death / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reception 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Halle (Saale) / Reformation 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / History 1500-1521 / Humanism / Erfurt 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / History 1520-1555 / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / History 1521-1541 / Exegesis / Theology / Universität Wittenberg 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / History 1521-1541 / Reformation / Wittenberg 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / History 1521-1544 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 / Reformation / Wittenberg 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / History 1546-1548 / Augsburger Interim / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 / Saxons 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Islam / Confessionality / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 / Ottoman Empire / Polemics / Reformation / Zwingli, Ulrich 1484-1531 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Jurisprudence / History 1521-1541 / Kurfürstlich-Sächsisches Konsistorium (Wittenberg) / Universität Wittenberg 1 View Records
Jonas, Justus 1493-1555 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546 1 View Records