Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Suffering / Coping / Sick 1 View Records
Bible / Suffering / Coping / Sick / Reception 1 View Records
Coping / Suffering / Sick 2 View Records
Coping / Suffering / Stensen, Niels 1638-1686 / Sick 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Suffering / Poor relief / Sick person / Resurrection / Passion 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Suffering / Catholic church / Singer, Peter 1946- / Human image / Terminal care 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Suffering / Theology 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005, Salvifici doloris / Suffering / Christology / Thomas, von Aquin, Heiliger 1225-1274, Summa theologiae 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005, Salvifici doloris / Suffering / Christian life 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005, Salvifici doloris / Suffering 2 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005, Incarnationis mysterium / Suffering / Coming to terms with the past / Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005, Tertio millennio adveniente / Remembrance / Debt / Turn of the millennium 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Sick person / Church teaching office / Family / Catholic church / Kommission der Bischofskonferenzen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft / Old person (60-90 years) / Child 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Sicily / Pastoral journey / Pope / Geschichte 1982 1 View Records
Job / Suffering / Coping 2 View Records
Job / Suffering / Coping / Reception / Church work 1 View Records
Job / Suffering / Coping / Reception / Relationship to God / Lament (Religion) 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Suffering (Motif) 1 View Records
Johannes Paul, II., Pope 1920-2005 / Speech / Concert / Letter / Pontificate / Church music 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 13 / Suffering / Coping / Sermon 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 13 / Suffering / Coping / Sermon / Schröder, Michael 1 View Records