Job / Speech 1 View Records
Job / Speech / Censure / Rhetoric / Damnation 1 View Records
Job / Speech / God / Inconsistency / Character / Diversity / Synthesis 1 View Records
Job / Spirit / Proverbs / Ecclesiastes 1 View Records
Job / Spring / Literature / Literary genre 1 View Records
Judges / Space / Conquest / Bible. Judge 13-16 / Assimilation (Sociology) / Philistines / Samson Biblical character / Sociology / Ethics / Spatial turn 1 View Records
Bible. Psalmen 23,4 / Stick / Metaphor / Providence 1 View Records
Jericho / Space / House (Motif) / Bible. Josua 2 / Liminality / Rahab the Prostitute / City (Motif) / Transition (motif) (Sozialwissenschaften, Motiv) 1 View Records
Judaism / Church / Metaphor / Bible / Ritual / Victim (Religion) 3 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 2. 3,18 / Speculum / Metaphor / Relationship to God 1 View Records
Jews / Space / Mobility / City / Istanbul / Integration 1 View Records
Bible / Semantics / Metaphor / Hebrew language / Greek language / Protection magic / Context / Shadow / Translation 1 View Records
Bible / Symbol / Metaphor / Dew (Precipitation) 1 View Records
Church / Sperm / Metaphor / Pregnant woman / Reproduction / Methodius, Olympius 230-311, Convivium decem virginum 1 View Records
Jerusalem (Motif) / Space / Materiality / Bible. Psalmen 128 / Psalms / Wisdom 1 View Records
Bible. Corinthians 1. 13,12 / Speculum / Metaphor / Bible. Corinthians 1. 13,8-13 / Early Judaism / Pseudepigraphy / Literature 1 View Records
Bible. Jakobusbrief 1,22-25 / Speculum / Metaphor / Philosophical anthropology / Theological anthropology 1 View Records
Juliana, von Norwich 1340-1413 / Speech / Metaphor / Motherliness / God 1 View Records
Justice / Sun / Metaphor / Bernard, Clairvaux, Abt, Heiliger 1090-1153 / Christology 1 View Records
Bible. Ezechiel 16,44-63 / Sister / Metaphor / Bible. Jeremia 3,6-11 / Israel / Bible. Ezechiel 23 1 View Records