Intercession / Victim (Religion) / Sacrifice / Atonement / Enthronement / Salvation / Bible. Hebräerbrief 7,25 1 View Records
Intercession / Victim (Religion) / Day of Atonement / Eschatology / High priest / Bible. Hebräerbrief 7,25 / Bible. Hebräerbrief 9,28 1 View Records
Intercession / Victim (Religion) / High priest / Enthronement / Meeting of an assembly / Hebrews 1 View Records
Christianity / Victim (Religion) / Sacrifice / Salvation / Sin / Judaism 3 View Records
Intercession / Bible. Ijob 33,23 / Salvation / Angel / Metaphor / Plot / God 1 View Records
Atonement / Victim (Religion) / Representation (Theology) / Bible. Hebräerbrief 9,11-28 1 View Records
Atoning death / Victim (Religion) / Salvation-history / Jesus Christus / Metaphor / Day of Atonement / Bible. Hebräerbrief 9,6-10 1 View Records
Atonement / Victim (Religion) / Sacrificial death / New Testament 1 View Records
Atonement / Bible. Levitikus 5 / Sacrifice / Cult / Priest / Blood 1 View Records
Atonement / Victim (Religion) / Servant / Reconciliation / Temple / Bible. Jesaja 53 1 View Records
Bible. Levitikus 4,1-5,13 / Victim (Religion) / Sacrifice / Lord's supper / Bible. Matthäusevangelium 26,28 1 View Records
1Q22 / Victim (Religion) / Sektenregel (Qumran Scrolls) / Atonement / Bible. Numeri 35,9-34 / Book of Jubilees / Bible. Levitikus 18 / Judaism / Land / Pseudepigrapha / Purity / Genesis-Apokryphon (Qumran Scrolls) / 4Q265 1 View Records
Israel (Antiquity) / Victim (Religion) / Sacrifice / Roman Empire / Egypt (Antiquity) / Sacrificial meal / Greece (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Islam / Victim (Religion) / Sacrifice 1 View Records
Abstraction / Victim (Religion) / Sacrifice / Money / Greece (Antiquity) 1 View Records
Atonement / Victim (Religion) / Shame / Protestant theology / Evil / Religious experience / Religious philosophy / Redemption / Debt 1 View Records
Intercession / Hebrews / Soteriology / Atonement / Jesus Christus / High priest 1 View Records
asham / Victim (Religion) / Bible. Jesaja 53,10 / Atonement / Noun / Hebrew language 1 View Records
Atonement / Victim (Religion) / Bible. Daniel 3,24-50 1 View Records
Atonement / Victim (Religion) / Bible. Levitikus 3 2 View Records