Image of rulers / Amenophis, I., Ägypten, Pharao 1527 BC-1506 BC / Art / Ahmose-Nofretere, Ägypten, Königin ca. 16 BC. Jh. / Ruler worship 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Avignon exile / Arenga / Papal charter / Rhetoric 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Bible. Sacharja 1-6 / Haggai / Bible. Ezra 1-6 / Messianism / Tradition-historical research 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Bible. Sacharja 1-6 / Priest 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Bible. Sprichwörter 28-29 / Amenemhet, I., Ägypten, Pharao 1991 BC-1962 BC, Teaching / Lehre für Merikare / Theology / Wisdom 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Body / Ancient Orient / Kantorowicz, Ernst 1895-1963 / King / Political theology / Political theory / Representation (Politics) 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Byzantine Empire 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Classical antiquity 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Deuteronomistic history 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Deuteronomistic history / Jehu, Family 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Egypt (Antiquity) / History 525 BC-332 BC / Achämeniden / Representation 3 View Records
Image of rulers / Emperor / Ambrose Saint, Bishop of Milan 339-397 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Emperor / History 306-395 / Art / Late Antiquity / Literature / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Emperor / John, Chrysostomus 344-407 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Epideictic / History 50 BC-337 / Communication in politics / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Europe / History / Bel and the dragon / Reception 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Eusebius of Caesarea 260-339 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Farmer (Motif) / Gardener (Motif) / Antiquity 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Hegemony / Bible. Apostelgeschichte 10,25-26 / Kingdom of God / Roman Empire 1 View Records
Image of rulers / Hellenism / Roman Empire 1 View Records