Iconographic program 6 View Records
Iconographic program / Abbaye (Vézelay) / Longhouse (Architecture) 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Altars / Confession / Cranach, Family / Altar-piece / Mitteldeutschland / Reformation / Research project / Restoration / Stadtkirche Wittenberg (Wittenberg) 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Altars / Monastery Paradies (Sagard) / Retable 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Ancient Orient / Old Testament / Symbolism 6 View Records
Iconographic program / Ancient Orient / Psalms / Symbolism 6 View Records
Iconographic program / Animal representation / Liturgy / Reliquary / Sankt Liudger (Essay) / Treasury 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Architectural sculpture / Bel and the dragon / Capital / Ambulatory 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Architectural sculpture / Childbed (Motif) / Christianity / Apostle (Motif) / Jewish hat (Motif) / Jews / Minster (Freiburg im Breisgau) / Paul Apostle 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Architectural sculpture / Vatican Palace 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Architecture / Ancient Orient / Palace / Temple construction 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Art / Maecenatism / Maximilian, I., Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser 1459-1519 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Augsburg / Confessionalization / History 1537-1635 / Altars 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Augustus Roman Empire, Emperor 63 BC-14 / Propaganda / Roman Empire 2 View Records
Iconographic program / Baptismal font 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Baptismal font / Picture meditation 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Baroque / Kloster Gaming, Library 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Basilika Karm al-Ahbariya / Mural painting 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Bertram, Master 1340-1415, Der Hauptaltar von Sankt Petri in Hamburg 1 View Records
Iconographic program / Birgitta, von Schweden, Heilige 1303-1373 / Canonization / History 1373-1391 / Agitation / Naples / Painting 1 View Records