History 2013-2014 3 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Archaeology / Al Jafr / Neolithic period / Ostjordanland, Landschaft (Süd) 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Birmingham / Infiltration / Islam / Radicalism / School / Value 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Communalism / Bangladesh / Minority question / Riot 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Corruption / China / Struggle against 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Ecumene / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / Catholic church / Lutheran Church / Reformation 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Episcopal nomination / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Bischöfe 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Episcopal nomination / Germany / Catholic church 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Euromaidan / Pastoral letter / Politics / Ševčuk, Svjatoslav Jurijovyč 1970- / Ukraine / Ukrainische Katholische Kirche 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Europe / Germany / Church / Party (law) / Positioning / Right-wing populism 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Francis Pope 1936- / Canon law / Pontificate 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Francis Pope 1936- / Catholic church / Interfaith dialogue / Islam 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Francis Pope 1936- / Public relations / Twitter (Softwareplattform) 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Heshbon / Archaeology / Water supply 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Hindus / Crime victim / Bangladesh / Religious minority / Violent crime 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Hymnal / Praise of God 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Peer review / Science of Religion / Statistics 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Pontificia Accademia di Teologia 1 View Records
History 2013-2014 / Universität Erfurt (1994-), Catholic theological faculty 1 View Records
Horses 1 View Records