History 1950-1955 / Basilika Aránzazu, Spanien / Architecture 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Canon law 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Communism / France / Catholic church 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Dossetti, Giuseppe 1913-1996 / Christian politics / Political Catholicism / The Modern 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Europe / Security policy 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland / Rearmament 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland / Rearmament 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Germany (Bundesrepublik) / Rearmament 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Groot-Seminarie (Driebergen-Rijsenburg) / Diözese Utrecht / Priestly training / Theological studies 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / History teaching / Elementary school / Germany / Admission to / Denominational school / Religion / Rhineland-Palatinate / School book 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Protestant Church / Rearmament 1 View Records
History 1950-1955 / Security policy 1 View Records
History 2 View Records
History / Europäische Verteidigungsgemeinschaft 1 View Records