History 1525-1527 / Antinomian controversy / Confession of sin / Agricola, Johannes 1494-1566 / Legislation (Theology) / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 / Reformation 1 View Records
History 1525-1527 / Basel / Anabaptists / Reformation 1 View Records
History 1525-1527 / Heinrich, VIII., England, König 1491-1547 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546, Briefe 1 View Records
History 1525-1527 / Hubmaier, Balthasar 1485-1528 / Adult baptism / Controversy / Infant baptism / Oekolampad, Johannes 1482-1531 1 View Records
Henry VIII King of England 1491-1547 Correspondence Selections 1 View Records