Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Diocese of Umzimvubu / Environmental ethics 1 View Records
Anglican Communion / Environmental ethics / Anglican theology / Stewardship 1 View Records
Animals / Environmental ethics 2 View Records
Animals / Environmental ethics / Buddhism / Buddhahood 1 View Records
Animals / Environmental ethics / Charms / Human being / Nature / Reanimation 1 View Records
Animals / Environmental ethics / Creation belief / Old Testament / Plants 1 View Records
Animals / Environmental ethics / Emotion / Cognition / Holism / Human being 1 View Records
Animals / Environmental ethics / Islam / Koran 1 View Records
Animism / Environmental ethics / Environmental damage / Climate / White, Lynn, Jr. 1907-1987, The historical roots of our ecological crisis 1 View Records
Animism / Environmental ethics / Religion 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics 2 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Bible. Ijob 3 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Bible. Römerbrief 8,19-23 / Creation theology / Bible. Kolosserbrief 1,15-20 / Overcoming of 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Convergence / Nature 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Cosmos (Concept of) / Human being / Theological anthropology 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Creation theology / Catholic church, Pope (2013- : Franziskus), Verfasserschaft1, Laudato si' / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt), Gaudium et spes 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Darwin, Charles 1809-1882 / Descartes, René 1596-1650 / Bacon, Francis 1561-1626 / Natural philosophy / Secularization 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Ecological movement / Dominion over nature / Protestantism / Rejection of 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Environmental crisis / Catholic social teaching / Sustainable development 1 View Records
Anthropocentrism / Environmental ethics / Ethics of responsibility / Jonas, Hans 1903-1993 / Overcoming of 1 View Records