Children's day care center / Religiosity / Education / Interfaith dialogue / Competence / Small child 1 View Records
Commitment / Religiosity / Health consciousness / Education / Quality of life / Old person (60-90 years) 1 View Records
Decision / Religiosity / Problem solving / Education / Religious organization / Social position 1 View Records
Education / Religiosity 2 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Empathy / Religious consciousness / Religious development 1 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Europe / Russia 1 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Identity 1 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Poverty / History 1964-1996 / Struggle against / USA 1 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Province (Province) 2 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Teenagers / USA 1 View Records
Education / Religiosity / Teenagers / Voluntary service 1 View Records
Greece (Altertum, Motiv) / Roman Empire / Education / Education / Child / Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius 348-405 / Christianity 1 View Records
Africa / Religious life / Koran / Education / Islamic upbringing / Islam / Muslim / Nigeria / Nigeria (Nord) / Pupil / Child / Teenagers 1 View Records
Galicia / Religious life / Cultural life / Education / National movement / History 1788-1914 / Stauropegion Institute / Ukrainians 1 View Records
Geschichte 1999 / Religious life / Education / Catholic church, Kongregation für die Institute des Geweihten Lebens und die Gemeinschaften des Apostolischen Lebens / Instruction / Cooperation 1 View Records
Education / Religious life / Kloster Saint-Honorat / Eucherius, Lugdunensis -450 / History 420-450 1 View Records
Greece (Antiquity) / Exercises / Knowledge / Philosophy 1 View Records
Greece (Antiquity) / Reception / Eusebius of Caesarea 260-339 / Educational philosophy / Educational theory 1 View Records
Greece (Antiquity) / Religion / Amulet / Evil / Zauberpapyri 1 View Records
Greece (Antiquity) / Religion / Biblical studies / Exegesis / Jesus Christus / New Testament / New Testament / Preaching / Historical background / Roman Empire / Theology 1 View Records