Amulet 182 View Records
Amulet / 4Q147 1 View Records
Amulet / Afghanistan / Aramaic language / Findings / Judaism 1 View Records
Amulet / Africa / Bible. Psalmen 90 / Culture / Yoruba 1 View Records
Amulet / Alpenländer 1 View Records
Amulet / Alphabet book (Gewandnadel) / Ark of Noah (Motif) / Christ monogram / Circus (Motif) / Formwork (Vessel) / Gladiator (Motif) / Mithraism / Mug / Relief map / Sarcophagus 1 View Records
Amulet / Ancient Orient 1 View Records
Amulet / Ancient Orient / Miniature / Seal / Universität Freiburg (Switzerland), Biblisches Institut 1 View Records
Amulet / Ancient Orient / Religion 1 View Records
Amulet / Ancient Orient (West) / Commerce / Cylinder / Egypt (Antiquity) / Eigentümer / gebrauchen / Hermeneutics / Picture / Royal house / Scarabaeus / Seal / Stamp / Tool 1 View Records
Amulet / Angelini, Sandro 1915-2001 / Collection / Ethiopian languages / Scroll 1 View Records
Amulet / Animal remains 1 View Records
Amulet / Animal representation / Egypt (Antiquity) / Palestine 1 View Records
Amulet / Anna, England, Königin, 1456-1485 1456-1485 / Bible / Leonhard, Saint 500-559 / Margaret of Antioch -305 / Richard, III., England, König 1452-1485 1 View Records
Amulet / Anointing / Baptismal liturgy / Coptic Church / Papyrus Rylands 471 1 View Records
Amulet / Antiquity / Religion / Śaivism 2 View Records
Amulet / Apotropaic object / Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint 354-430 / Evangeliary / Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius 345-420 / Isidore of Pelusium -435 / John, Chrysostomus 344-407 / Popular piety 1 View Records
Amulet / Apotropaic object / Bible / Egypt (Antiquity) / Incipit / Ritual 1 View Records
Amulet / Apotropaic object / Dead Sea scrolls, Qumran Scrolls / Election / Inscription / Kriegsrolle (Qumran Scrolls) / Musical instrument / Praise / Qumran Community 1 View Records
Amulet / Apotropaic object / History 900-1400 / Paganism / Pendant (Ornament) / Russia 1 View Records