Geschichte 1960 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Africa / Mission (international law / Paradigm shift 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Bible, German language (Luther) 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Bible, German language (Luther) / Journalistic editing 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Bretten / Jubilee / Melanchthon, Philipp 1497-1560 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Buddhism / Philosophy / Theology / Tillich, Paul 1886-1965 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholic church, Deutsche Bischofskonferenz / Vatican Council 2. (1962-1965 : Vatikanstadt) 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholic church / Ecumene / Fisher, Geoffrey Francis 1887-1972 / Anglican Church / John, XXIII., Pope 1881-1963 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholic church / Munich / Urban mission 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholic church / State security service / Zielona Góra 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholicism / Kennedy, John F. 1917-1963 / Political campaign / Politics / Presidential election / Presidents 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholicism / Kennedy, John F. 1917-1963 / Political campaign / Presidential election / Presidents / Religion 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholic University of America / Church / Expertise / Catholic church / State 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Catholic University of America / Ecclesiology / Expertise / Canon law 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Christliche Friedenskonferenz / Prague 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Church / Church property / Contract / Estate planning / Catholic church, Erzdiözese Salzburg / State 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Church building / Architecture / History / Pulling down / Saint Mary's Church (Wismar) 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Condolence / Death / Adenauer, Konrad 1876-1967 / Iwand, Hans Joachim 1899-1960 / Rejection of 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Conferenza Episcopale Italiana / Italy / Laicism / Pastoral letter / Struggle against 1 View Records
Geschichte 1960 / Conferenza Episcopale Italiana / Italy / Laicism / Public announcement 1 View Records