Germany / Academic library / Cultural work 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / Catalog / Hebraica / Library collection 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / Catalog / Judaica / Library collection 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / Circle of friends / Supporting association 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / Dissemination of information / Digitalization / Information management / Information retrieval 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / History 1945-1947 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / Library 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / Subject cataloging 1 View Records
Germany / Academic library / War damage / World War 1 View Records
Germany / Cultural heritage / Cultural work / Cultural monument / Church building / Rural development 1 View Records
Germany / Cultural work / Catholic church 1 View Records
Germany / Cultural work / Church 2 View Records
Germany / Cultural work / Church archive 1 View Records
Germany / Cultural work / Protestant congregation 1 View Records
Germany / Archive / Cultural asset / Interrogation / Library / Preventive conservation / Writing 1 View Records
Germany / Art / Cultural asset / Confiscation / History 1933-1945 / Jewish persecution 1 View Records
Germany / Art award / Cultural prize / Catholic church 2 View Records
Germany / Art work / Cultural asset / Restitution 1 View Records
Germany / Aryanization / Cultural asset / Confiscation / Booty / Art / National Socialism 1 View Records