Confiscation / Bank / Jews / Personal property / Switzerland / Third Reich 1 View Records
Confiscation / Bible. Micha 2,1-5 / Jahwe / Land / Prophet / Robbery / Wrong 1 View Records
Confiscation / Book ownership / Archive / Library / Museums / Repatriation of cultural goods (Cultural policy) 1 View Records
Confiscation / Book ownership / Germany / History 1933-1945 / Third Reich 1 View Records
Confiscation / Canon law / Criminal law 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church archive / Diözese Valencia / Republicanism / Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church bell / Germany / World War / World War 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church library / Church property / Church archive / History 1869-1870 / Spain 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church property / Basilicata / History 1806-1811 / Order 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church property / Civil jurisdiction / Bishop / England / History 1300-1400 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church property / History 1525-1547 / Luther, Martin 1483-1546, Schmalkaldische Artikel 1 View Records
Confiscation / Church property / History 1938-1945 / Stift Admont / Stift St. Lambrecht 2 View Records
Confiscation / Collection / Art / France / Fuld, Harry 1879-1932 / Gerstein, Kurt 1905-1945 / Geschichte 1941 / Lange, Hans Wolfgang 1904-1945 / Matisse, Henri 1869-1954, Le mur rose 1 View Records
Confiscation / Cultural asset / Art / Germany / History 1933-1945 / Jewish persecution 1 View Records
Confiscation / Cultural asset / Booty / Art / Aryanization / Germany / National Socialism 1 View Records
Confiscation / Dresden / History 1935-2016 / Lodge / Painting / Property 1 View Records
Confiscation / History 1509-1510 / Jewish literature / Pfefferkorn, Johann 1469-1523 1 View Records
Confiscation / History 1669-1787 / Huguenots / Languedoc 1 View Records
Confiscation / History 1938-1940 / Noble family / Possessions / Schwarzenberg, Adolf zu 1890-1950 / Third Reich 1 View Records
confiscation of property 1 View Records