Emotional reaction 2 View Records
Emotional reaction / Answer / Gospels / Miracle story / Textual linguistics 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Audio-visual materials / Community / Audience / Reception 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Bible reading / Pentecostal churches / Performance of 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Community / Audience / Film / Reception 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Community / Audience / Reception / Television program 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Effect / Disease / Conjuring (Magic) / History / Incantation / Interdisciplinary research / Neurophysiology / Neuropsychology 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Euthanasia (National Socialism) / Cremation / Family member 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Fellow human being / Josephus, Flavius 37-100, Antiquitates Judaicae 1-11 / Pain / Testament of Zebulun 1 View Records
Emotional reaction / Happiness / Jehovah's Witnesses / Norway / Prognosis 1 View Records
Ecstacy / Ecstasy / Interdisciplinary research 1 View Records
Erröten 1 View Records
Eugenics / History / Home missions 1 View Records
Estética da Recepção 1 View Records
Euthanasia Germany History 1 View Records
Euthanasia National Socialism 1 View Records
Euthanasia (National Socialism) / Church / Aktion T4 / Germany / History 1940-1941 / Murder / Theology 1 View Records